Thursday, January 30, 2014

Snow and Trials


Friends, if you know me well, you know that I am not great at keeping a blog. To all those who have waited months and months for a new post: today is you're most lucky and blessed day! And you're welcome.

A friend of mine posted on Facebook asking people about their blogs, and that's when I realized I hadn't updated in a long time. Then I started wondering, "Is there a need to blog? Why should I start it up again?" I decided I would (try to) start it again because I experience the crazy love of God every day and He is worthy of being praised and being given all of the credit and glory.

I don't know how much of it will tie in with the experience of losing my dad. The story I'm going to share here does. Some days will. I'll try to make fit in because that was the purpose of starting this blog.

Many of you know of my (annoying) love for snow. It's beautiful. The land is covered in a white blanket of frozen water. It's fun. There's something magical about it. And when I see snow, I'm reminded that God knows me, loves me, and has not forgotten or abandoned me.

And it never fails: when I'm having a not great day, I see snow. This is not to say I do not have bad days in the summertime... In summer, replace snow with the smell of fresh-cut-grass and that's my reminder that God knows me.
The morning my dad passed away, I was standing at the front door, and I watched the rain turn very quickly to this big, fluffy, white snow. And then the phone rang-- the call that informed us my dad had taken his last breath.

The day before my dad died, my cousin Zannie gave me a ring that says "faith" on it. I wear it every day. It's the only piece of jewelry I own that has any meaning. It is one of few material possessions that have value to me. This morning, it broke (as did the zipper on my purse just an hour before that). And in the midst of many students, I started crying. It was not a good morning.

I walked by the side doors of the school and saw big, fluffy, dancing snow. Again, I was reminded that God loves me and cares about my trials- bigger trials, like losing a parent, and smaller ones, like losing a ring.

What trials are you going through? No matter how big or how small, God really cares about them. Why? Because He's your dad.

Are you aware of how God shows His great love for you in every day life? You should be. It's a beautiful thing.