Wednesday, May 1, 2013

the most morbid post i'll ever write (hopefully)

I'm sure I have many faithful readers, so I apologize to those who have been sitting on the edge of their seat, waiting with great anticipation for a new blog. Just kidding. Calm down.

Between two jobs, moving from my apartment to my mom's house, and being the social butterfly that I am, finding time to blog hasn't been too high on my priority list lately. But I've been thinking about it for about a week. So, that should count for something (even though it really doesn't).

Do you know what I think about every day? Every. Single. Day?
Yep. In a hundred years, you, reading this blog post, you're going to be dead.
Morbid? Yes. Sorry. 
True? Absolutely.

It's inevitable. There's no getting out of it.

So what does this life matter? What's the point?
To be happy and comfortable? That's dumb. That gives no purpose to this earth. Because really, how many people are always happy and comfortable?

Is your purpose on this earth to start a wonderful family with the man/woman of your dreams? Oh, that's a lovely thing, a beautiful thing, actually. But that family you have, they're going to die, too.

Is our purpose to worship music. That's what I hear a lot. I hear a lot about the importance of music and people really do worship it, sadly. Don't get me wrong, music is a wonderful thing! I highly enjoy it. God created it. But is that your purpose in life? To create/listen to/know great music? That's weird. You won't take that with you when you die.

We have a tendency to worship what God created, rather than Him, the Creator.

Truth is: you will die. So will I. What matters? Where are you going to go when you die? Heaven or hell? Why does this matter? Because it will happen to everyone. We are here on this earth for 80 years (maybe), and we're dead forever. For eternity. You will spend your eternity in one place or the other.

Truth is: God loves you so much that He too, was willing to experience death. Death of the most brutal kind. When Jesus died on the cross, it wasn't just to die for our sins, but because of our sin. My sin held Him there. He loves you so much, that He was willing to die, to be the perfect sacrifice, so that you and I could spend an eternity with Him. Some people think I "take God too seriously." But in reality, He took me pretty seriously when He became human and died on a cross for my sins.

His death has affected me more than anything. Has it affected you? I pray it has. It really should. Do you believe that God died on a cross for you out of love? If you do, has it made any impact on your life? It really should.

Why do I think about this a lot? Because my dad died. A close friend of mine put experiencing death like this (and it might be a tad inappropriate, but bear with me): losing someone close to you is like losing your virginity. If you've never lost someone so close, you are not tainted. But once you do, you will never be able to not know what it's like. There's no going back. I am forever tainted by the death of my father. No matter how hard I scrub, how hard I wash, the stain will not come out. I will forever know what it's like to lose someone, and I will NEVER forget.

Should death affect someone like this?
My conclusion: yes.
"Why, Alex?" You're probably asking.

If evolution is real, shouldn't we have gained this innate knowledge, at some point, that death really is just a part of life? If evolution were real, death wouldn't be a big deal. We should just know that it happens and that's that.

But that's not it. When someone dies, we weep, we mourn, and we process. We have an understanding that death is not right. Death is not how it's supposed to be. Which is true. Death was not a part of the picture, until Adam and Eve chose to sin. Death is a result of sin.

"By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Genesis 3:19

That's why we're so affected by death. Because it's not right. There's something wrong with it.

I'm no philosopher or a great thinker. But this is something I think about a lot.

Like I said. Every. Day.

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